
Thursday, 17 May 2012

Learning to Manage Time

Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day.  There are times when I feel that, if there were thirty six hours in a day and ten days in a week, then I might get everything done.  Or perhaps I'd just find more stuff to do.  So I was interested to hear about a webinar that Marie Grigorian, who is a certified life coach, is running next Thursday (May 24th).  

She's planning to teach attendees how to manage their time (that's something I'd find useful), how to recognise the patterns that impact on their time management (and that), how to deal with procrastination (hmm . . . is she directing this seminar at me?), how to prioritise work (how many of us do the things we like doing first and hope that, if we don't have time, everything else will go away????) and how to recognise time vampires.  Hmm . . . the concept of time vampires is a new one on me, but I have a sneaking suspicion I know what she means . . . those things you agree to do because they'll only take half an hour - and two days later you're still doing them.

At $47 this seems to be very good value.  So if you, too, are interested in attending, you can find the details here

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